On My Nails: Ulta Tutu Cute and NYX Purple Ave.

I noticed that mylar nails have become the new nail trend.  While looking through the Sephora site a few weeks ago, a nail set by Nail Inc. caught my eye.  While I did eventually pick up the set, I ran across a few sites that showed other and older bottles of the mylar type polish. 

After digging through some boxes of polishes, I found yet another polish I had shown no love and it happened to fit this very trend.  I purchased NYX's Purple Ave. from Cherry Culture but when I received it (long ago), I realized it wasn't what I wanted.  Good thing I didn't throw it away:

It was kind of hard to tell in the pictures, but Purple Ave. has green mylar and the rest of the polish dries clear.  In the end, I thought it gave my plain Tutu Cute a bit more life.
without flash

with flash
